Divulging Information to Patients With Poor Prognoses


Divulging Information to Patients With Poor Prognoses

We have seen several instances where our colleagues’ families have been given very little prognostic information by their physicians in situations where important decisions involving benefits versus harms, quality of life and other end of life decisions must be made. In both cases when a clinician in the family presented the evidence and prognostic information, decisions were altered.

We were happy to see a review of this topic by Mack and Smith in a recent issue of the BMJ.[1] In a nutshell the authors point out that—

  • Evidence consistently shows that healthcare professionals are hesitant to divulge prognostic information due to several underlying misconceptions. Examples of misconceptions—
    • Prognostic information will make patients depressed
    • It will take away hope
    • We can’t be sure of the patient’s prognosis anyway
    • Discussions about prognosis are uncomfortable
  • Many patients are denied discussion about code status, advance medical directives, or even hospice until there are no more treatments to give  and little time left for the patient
  • Many patients lose important  time with their families and and spend more time in the hospital and in intensive care units than would be if prognostic information had been provided and different decisions had been made.

Patients and families want prognostic information which is required to make decisions that are right for them. This together with the lack of evidence that discussing prognosis causes depression, shortens life, or takes away hope and the huge problem of unnecessary interventions at the end of life creates a strong argument for honest communication about poor prognoses.


1. Mack JW, Smith TJ. Reasons why physicians do not have discussions about poor prognosis, why it matters, and what can be improved. J Clin Oncol. 2012 Aug 1;30(22):2715-7. Epub 2012 Jul 2. PubMed PMID: 22753911.


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Critical Appraisal Matters


Critical Appraisal Matters

Most of us know that there is much variation in healthcare that is not explained by patient preference, differences in disease incidence or resource availability. We think that many of the healthcare quality problems with overuse, underuse, misuse, waste, patient harms and more stems from a broad lack of understanding by healthcare decision-makers about  what constitutes solid clinical research.

We think it’s worth visiting (or revisiting) our webpage on “Why Critical Appraisal Matters.”


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“Move More” Packets for Cancer Patients


“Move More” Packets for Cancer Patients

Macmillan Cancer Support is a London-based organization providing practical, medical and financial support to cancer patients in Britain. It is on the shortlist of the BMJ Group award for healthcare communication because of its “Move More” packet— a  physical activity and cancer information initiative, urging patients to become more active during and after cancer. The impetus for this project is the ongoing problem of cancer patients still being told to rest, rather than keep active, during and after cancer treatment. The packs, for patients and care givers outline the benefits of gentle activity and suggest ways to introduce activity into their lives. For example, one very popular inclusion was packs of seeds, to encourage people to get outside into their gardens. People loved the seeds and looking forward to seeing the flowers bloom and the veggies grow. For more information see BMJ 2012;341:e2866 doi: 10.1136/bmj.e2866

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