Safety Review of Five Biologic Antirheumatic Drugs

Safety Review of Five Biologic Antirheumatic Drugs

An abstract of ours was selected for publication by the The European League Against Rheumatism (EULAR) for their Annual European Congress of Rheumatism 2012. We believe that our review provides important safety information for providers and patients. While the evidence has to be considered borderline at best due to study design and methodology issues (much is observational, for example), we believe the patterns are highly compelling, consistent and that they are not likely to be explained by a systematic bias. Therefore, we feel quite confident in the direction of the outcomes. (The link below is sometimes slow to load or needs to be loaded a subsequent time to view—so if it “fails to load,” try again.)

Stuart ME, Strite SA, Gandra SA. Systematic Safety Review Of Five Biologic Antirheumatic Drugs. Abstract number AB0478; EULAR 2012 Annual European Conference of Rheumatology

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